What makes us unique?

The advantage of fiber-optic systems over traditional sensor systems stems from several key differences:

Nieograniczona liczba punktów pomiarowych:

Fiber-optic systems have an unlimited number of measurement points, enabling precise monitoring and data collection from multiple locations simultaneously.

In traditional sensing systems, due to limitations in the length of cables and wires, there is a limit to the number of measurement points that can be installed.

Czułość na całej długości światłowodu:

The optical fiber is a sensor along its entire length, which means that there are no "blind spots" or areas without measurement capability.

In traditional electrical sensor systems, the spot measurements are not able to provide information about events occurring in the entire monitored area.

Wykorzystanie istniejącej infrastruktury telekomunikacyjnej:

Fiber-optic systems can leverage existing optical fibers in telecommunication networks as components of the sensor system.

There is no need to install dedicated optical fibers. It allows to use existing infrastructure more effective and reduces installation costs.

Nasza firma

Dlaczego warto nas wybrać?

W Polsce ponad połowa gospodarstw domowych ma dostęp do sieci światłowodowej, co oznacza, że większość terytorium kraju jest pokryta tą infrastrukturą. Sieć światłowodowa często biegnie wzdłuż istniejących infrastruktur, takich jak:


Are you interested in our offer? Please contact us for further inquiries and to initiate collaboration. You can find our contact information on our website.

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Curabitur sodales efficitur vestibulum. Donec fermentum nibh purus, sit amet interdum erat iaculis a. In accumsan quis ante in volutpat. Sed eleifend porttitor arcu at ornare. 


Rozpoczęcie współpracy

Quisque placerat vitae lacus ut scelerisque. Fusce luctus odio ac nibh theo lacus egestas.


Omówienie projektu

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Wstępna propozycja

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Quisque placerat vitae lacus ut scelerisque. Fusce luctus odio ac nibh theo lacus egestas.

Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit

Curabitur sodales efficitur vestibulum. Donec fermentum nibh purus, sit amet interdum erat iaculis a. In accumsan quis ante in volutpat. Sed eleifend porttitor arcu at ornare. 

Fiber-optic systems leverage existing optical fibers in telecommunication networks as components of the sensor system. Thanks to this, OptiSolution system has the potential to be widely used in monitoring and managing various elements of infrastructure in Poland, such as:


See the projects we've done for our clients
